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Naan Dictionary
jet men
some things phrase
Sample Sentences (English)
Sample Sentences (Marshallese)
In the same way that certain steps are essential in the very brief performance of an Olympic athlete—jumps or maneuvers for ice skaters and snowboarders, negotiating the turns of a bobsled run, or carving through the gates of a downhill slalom course—so it is in our lives, where certain things are absolutely essential—checkpoints which move us through our spiritual performance on earth.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ilo ejja wāween in wōt me jet buñtōn ko rej aorōk ilo ikkure in ekanooj kadu an rikkure eo—kelọk ak kōl ko ñan riskate im snowboard ro, ukōt iien ko an juon bobsled, ak ṃōkaj an jikāāt ilo oror ko an iaḷ eju laḷ ḷọk—bwe ej ilo mour ko ad, ijo jet men rej kanooj aorōk—etale ko rej kōmakūt kōj jen ṃakūtkūt ko ilo jetōb men otemjej rej lukkuun aorōk—etale ewi wōt eo ej tōlḷọk kōj ilo ṃakūtkūt in jetōb eo ad ioon laḷ in.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I have prayed that the Lord will bless you to hear something that will help increase your ability to recognize the voice of the Spirit.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Iaar jar bwe Irooj enaaj kōjeraṃṃan koṃ ñan roñjake jet men ko renaaj jipañ kōḷapḷọk ami maroñ kile ainikien eo an Jetōb.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Somewhere along the way, Matt said, ‘Dad, why did we feel, after praying about it, that the right road was the proper one to take, the correct one to take, and it wasn’t?’ And I said, ‘I think that the Lord, His wish for us there and His answer to our prayer was to get us on the right road as quickly as possible with some reassurance, with some understanding that we were on the right road and we didn’t have to worry about it.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ilo iaḷ eo aṃ ḷọk, Matt eaar ba, ‘Baba, etke jej eñjake, ālkin ad jar kake, bwe iaḷ eo ejiṃwe eaar eo ejejjet ñan bōke, eo ejiṃwe ñan bōke, im ekar bōd? Im iaar uwaak, Ij ḷōmṇak bwe Irooj, Ekōṇaan bwe jen pād ijeṇ im uwaak eo An ñan jar eo ad kar ñan bōk kōj ilo iaḷ eo ejiṃwe joñan wōt maroñ kōn jet men ko rej kapene, ippān jet meḷeḷe ko bwe kōṃ ar pād ilo iaḷ eo ejiṃwe im kōṃ ar jab aikuj inepata kake.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

There seems to be something inside of us that resists endings.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Rej āinwōt jet men ko ilowaad rej mijak jeṃḷọk ko.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Something that was there before is taken away.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Jet men rekar pād mokta re kar jako.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

He landed next to the engine and started to tinker with some things on the side of it.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej jok wōt turin injin eo ak eṃōkaj im kōṃadṃōde jet men i kōjaan injin eo.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Last, an evaluation should include a mental status examination to determine if speech, thought patterns, or memory have been affected, as sometimes happens with depression and mania.

What is Depression?

Eliktata, ej aikuij in wor kakolkol ikijen jonon kolmenlokjen eo an rinaninmij eo bwe jet ien depression im mania rej jelete wawen ad kenono, wawen ad lomnak kake im melele, kab jonon ad maron kememej jet men.

What is Depression?

Nevertheless there are good things found in thee, in that thou hast taken away the groves out of the land, and hast prepared thine heart to seek God.


Mekarta, eṃōj lo jet men ko reṃṃan ilo kwe, bwe kwaar joḷọk Ashira ko jān ānin, im kwaar lukkuun pepe in kappukot Anij.


And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:


Im Anij ej kōṃanṃan jet men in bwilōñ re ḷap kōn pein Paul,


Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;


Ro ri ketak, ro rej kōṃṃan jet men ṃokta jān aer ḷōmṇak kake, ro rmmejāje, im ro rej yokwe men in kabuñbūrueir eḷap jān aer yokwe Anij,


Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.


Innām enaaj jepḷaak ñan āneo an im enaaj lōñ ṃweiuk ko ippān, aruon enaaj ṇae bujen eo e kwōjarjar. Im enaaj kōṃṃan jet men innām rọọn āneo an.


For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.


Bwe waan lọjet ko jān Kittim renaaj itok ṇae e. Innām enaaj būroṃō rọọl im illu ṇae bujen eo e kwōjarjar im naaj kōṃṃan jet men. Innām enaaọl im kwaḷọk jouj ñan ro rej ilọk jān bujen eo e kwōjarjar.
